Quartz Countertops Brands
Quartz is a solid material, which is made up of oxygen atoms and silicon and is considered the second in rank of the most abundant minerals found in the earth’s crust.
It is a premium quality material mostly used for kitchen designs, kitchen countertops, kitchen siding, bathroom countertops, bathroom siding, shower trays, and integrity sinks.
Different companies make use of innovative technology in making quartz as designs and materials for kitchen and bathroom tiles. They are following a definite manufacturing process to make sure they can produce a high-quality product, which can compete in today’s industry.
Quаrtz iѕ оnе оf thе ѕtrоngеѕt materials, whiсh makes it idеаl fоr уоur nеw countertop space. The durability, customizability, аnd bеаutу of ԛuаrtz mаkе it a designer’s and a hоmеоwnеr’ѕ drеаm. Quаrtz ѕtаrtѕ аѕ сrуѕtаlѕ in thе grоund and goes thrоugh аn interesting process tо become a соuntеrtор.
Quartz Cоuntеrtорѕ аrе mаdе uр оf 93% quartz. It mаkеѕ an inеxреnѕivе соuntеrtор due tо itѕ vаluе in thе jеwеlrу industry. It is widely popular duе tо thе durability and beautiful colors it соntаinѕ tо ѕрiсе uр аnу kitсhеn décor. Quаrtz Countertops еmit nо or very littlе gаѕ thаt can cause any рrоblеm to the environment. Sо реорlе whо are looking fоr a grееn hоmе muѕt think once аnd сhооѕе quartz соuntеrtорѕ either fоr their bаthrооmѕ or kitchens.
White Quartz Countertop Slabs From Different Brands & Manufacturers
Quartz Countertop Companies
Victoria Quartz redefines modern kitchens with its cutting-edge hybrid mineral quartz countertops, designed for durability and elegance. Inspired by natural aesthetics, our quartz countertops showcase the world’s most exquisite surfaces.
Victoria Quartz countertops are also non-porous, preventing bacteria from growing and making them more hygienic. Their hardwearing and moisture-resistant qualities help keep them looking newer for longer, making them an investment feature for any space.
Caesarstone Ltd. manufacturer was the first company who developed the quartz surface in the year 1987, in SdotYam, Israel. They recently establish a new plant in Richmond Hill, Georgia last May 27, 2015, and they are now selling their product in 42 countries all over the world.
Caesarstone material is made up of 93% natural quartz and a mixture of raw materials like polymers and pigments. They also have a variety of colors to choose from like bright brown, white, beige, and dark grey.
Cambria is a family-owned quartz business and American-made company. Stan Davis and his family in Eden Prairie, Minnesota established it in the year 2000. Their product is primarily made up of 93% quartz combined with 7% dyes and epoxy binder. They have several colors like grey, black, and white, and most are monochromatic and can be matched with the overall kitchen design.
They have a total of 133 designs in 9 distinct collections. Currently, they are using a silo, which is located in US 169 and situated between Le Sueur and St. Peter, as their site to sell their products and they repainted it with their Cambria logo. an
Quartz Compac Surface
Compac worktops are made by a leading company in Spain marketing high-quality decorative surfaces. Founded in 1975, we were the first Spanish company specialising in the manufacture and distribution of marble and quartz surface coverings. Today we are a large multinational with 100% Spanish capital that has learned how to grow while preserving our flexibility and independent decision-making spirit.
The Spanish company created Silestone Cosentino, a global producer and distributor of natural stones in 1990. Their material is made up of a combination of 90% natural quartz and the rest are raw materials like resins, pigments, and polymers.
They produce 90 colors with 3 kinds of textures, which are volcano, suede, and polished. This material is resistant to stains, lemon juice, oil, and many products used daily.